How to hang 95 inch curtains?

provides an easy way to add both style and privacy to your home. When it comes to finding the right curtains for your needs, it is important to consider both the style of your home and the function that the curtains will serve. If you are looking for curtains that will provide privacy, then it is important to choose a heavier fabric. If you are looking for curtains that will let in light, then a lighter fabric may be a better option.

-Measure the width of your window to determine how much fabric you will need.

-Cut the fabric to the desired width, plus an additional 2 inches for seam allowance.

-Hem the fabric by folding over the edge 1/2 inch and sewing it in place.

-Fold the fabric in half lengthwise and press the crease.

-Open the fabric and align the top raw edge with the crease.

-Fold over 1 inch of the fabric and press.

-Fold over again 2 inches and press.

-Sew the hem in place.

-Fold the fabric in half lengthwise and press the crease.

– Fold the fabric in half again and press.

– Pin the sides together and sew them in place.

– Cut 4 lengths of dowel rod to the desired width of your curtains.

-Thread the dowel rod through the top hem of the fabric.

– Hang the curtains on your curtain rod and adjust the fullness as desired.

When should I use 95 inch curtains?

If you want your curtains to puddle on the floor, you’ll need to hang them high enough so that they are at least 95 inches from the top of the window. For a more traditional look, you can hang them to the floor or just below the windowsill.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the look you want to create. For an attractive look, choose curtains that are at least 96 inches long. If you want a more dramatic style, you can choose curtains that are 108 inches long and reach from the floor to the ceiling.

How do you hang large curtains

When hanging a rod, the general rule is to place it halfway to two-thirds up the wall. This will ensure that the rod is both sturdy and visible. Keep in mind that the exact placement may vary depending on the size and weight of the curtains you are hanging.

This is a good rule of thumb to follow when hanging curtains. By installing the curtain rod four to six inches above the window frame, the window will appear taller. This is a great way to make a small room appear larger.

How wide should curtains be for 96-inch window?

To properly measure the width of your rod, take a measuring tape and measure from the left to the right. A common rule of thumb is that the finished width of your curtains should be at least 2 times the width of your window, if not more, to achieve a look of proper fullness.

Puddling is when you let extra fabric bunch up at the bottom of your drape, giving it a luxurious and elegant look. If you want to create this look, buy drapes that are 96 inches long, but mount the rod between 84 and 90 inches high. This way, you’ll have extra fabric to play with and can create the perfect puddle effect.

Where should full length curtains fall?

Make sure your curtains are the right length! This is important especially if you have small windows. A good length is just above the radiator or 10 cm below the sill. However, make sure the radiator doesn’t get too hot, and that the curtains aren’t touching it.

If you are looking for a drapery style that is both elegant and functional, we recommend avoiding the puddle style. Although it is the most common of the three floor-to-ceiling drapery styles, it is also the least functional and the most high-maintenance. Puddles are likely to collect dust and animal dander, making them a less ideal choice for rooms with high traffic or for homes with pets.

Is it OK to put long curtains on short windows

If you want to make a short window appear larger and more important, hang long drapes from it. Short drapes on a short window call attention to the size of the window and reduce the significance of the room, window and drapery style.

There are two methods to fix a sagging curtain rod:

1. Install a center bracket

2. Drill a third bracket underneath the center of your curtain rod to provide more support

How many brackets do you need for heavy curtains?

If you have a window that is longer than 60 inches, you will need to purchase two support brackets in order to hold up your curtain rod. Otherwise, as a rule of thumb, you will need a support bracket every 30-36 inches.

If you’re hanging drapes, the standard distance from the window casing to the end of the curtain rod (excluding finials) on each side of the window should be 4 to 10 inches. As a general rule, drapes will be open during the day, so make sure the curtain rod extends at least four inches on each side of the window’s inside frame. This will ensure that your drapes look proportionate when they’re open.

When hanging curtains should they touch the floor

There are a lot of factors to consider when it comes to choosing the right curtains for your home. Some people prefer their curtains to touch the floor, while others like them to stop just above the windowsill. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what looks best in your home. If you’re unsure, it’s always a good idea to consult with a professional to get their opinion.

If you have an 8-foot ceiling, your curtain panels should be about 91 inches long. If you don’t want to get custom window panels, you can buy 96-inch ones and hem them so they are floor to (almost) ceiling.

What size curtains for 9-foot ceilings?

If you have a 9-foot ceiling, it is best to choose 96-inch curtains. Curtain rods are typically hung about a foot from the ceiling, so the distance from the floor to one foot from the ceiling is covered by 96 inches. This will give you the most accurate coverage and look for your curtains.

This rule of thumb is a general guide to help you choose the right size curtains for your windows. The main goal is to have curtains that are wide enough to provide the coverage and privacy you need, but not so wide that they overwhelm the space or block out too much light.


-Mark the spot on the wall where you want the curtains to hang.
-Use a tape measure to find the appropriate length for your curtains. They should be long enough to just barely brush the floor.
-Cut the fabric to the desired length.
-Fold the fabric in half, wrong-sides together, and press.
– Unfold the fabric and create a 1/2-inch hem on each side. Press the hem.
-Fold the fabric in half again, wrong-sides together, and press.
-Thread a needle with a length of thread.
-Hand-sew the side seams together.
-Create a header for the curtain by folding down the top of the fabric 1-1/2 inches and pressing.
-Fold the header over again, encasing the raw edge, and press.
-Stitch the header in place.
-Hang the curtain on a rod, using curtain clips or rings.

Hanging curtains is a simple process that anyone can do with a little bit of time and effort. With the right tools and techniques, hanging curtains is easy and can add a touch of style to any room.

Julia Brooks is an expert in home curtains. She has years of experience in helping people find the right curtains for their homes. She is passionate about helping her clients find the perfect color, pattern, and style that will bring out the best in their living spaces. Julia also enjoys giving interior design advice to help create a beautiful, warm atmosphere in any home.

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