How long should curtains be to puddle?

If you’re unsure of how much fabric to buy, a good rule of thumb is to choose curtains that are double the width of your window plus an extra half a metre. This will allow you to create beautiful, luxurious curtains with a soft puddle at the bottom.

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on personal preference and the look that you are trying to achieve. Some people prefer their curtains to puddle on the floor, creating a luxurious and glamorous look, while others prefer them to just graze the floor for a more streamlined look. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide how long you want your curtains to be!

Is it OK for curtains to puddle on the floor?

Puddle draperies are the least functional of the three most common floor-to-ceiling styles, and are also the most high-maintenance. We recommend using them only in rooms with less traffic, like formal dining rooms. However, keep in mind that puddle draperies are likely to collect dust and animal dander (if you have pets).

Curtains that drag on the floor can pose a tripping hazard and collect dust more easily. For the ideal middle ground, curtains should hover just above the floor. To find the right curtain length, measure from the floor to where you’ll hang the rod (usually 4 to 6 inches above the window frame).

Is it better to have curtains too long or too short

When it comes to choosing curtain length, professional designers always opt for longer rather than shorter. The reason behind this is that longer curtains create a more elegant and luxurious look, while shorter curtains can make a room look more casual.

There are three standard lengths for curtains—84 inches, 96 inches, or 108 inches—but if you want to achieve the perfect look, it’s best to choose curtains that are at least 96 inches long.

If you’re looking for new curtains this year, simplicity and minimalism are the way to go. Look for classic materials like cotton and linen in light, relaxing colors.

When curtains are too long?

1. Hang the curtains and then fold the bottoms under so they just graze the floor.
2. Another way is to measure the length you want the curtains to be, then add a few inches for hemming. Cut the fabric to that length, then hem the bottom of the curtains.

The perfect length for curtains really depends on the overall aesthetic and mood you are trying to create in the space. However, in general, curtains should either just barely touch the floor or be longer and pool on the floor a bit. This look is often more elegant and can help add a bit of drama to the room.

Can curtains be 2 inches off the ground?

If you want a crisp and clean look, hang your curtains around 1/2 inch off the ground. If you want a more casual look, hang them 2 to 3 inches off the ground. For a more romantic look, hang your curtains 4 to 6 inches from the floor.

If you want to make a short window look more important, hang long drapes from it. This will help to bring the window into proportion to the rest of the room. Short drapes on a short window will only call attention to the size of the window and make the room seem smaller.

Do long curtains make a small room look bigger

Extra long curtains hung high above a window will give the illusion of more height and therefore more space within a small room. This is a great way to make a small room appear larger than it actually is.

There are a few things that can cause this optical illusion. One possibility is that the bottom of the curtain is closer to your eyes than the top, so it naturally appears larger. Another possibility is that the top of the curtain is angled away from you, which makes it appear smaller. Finally, the colors and patterns on the curtain can also play a role in how it is perceived. If the bottom of the curtain is a different color or has a different pattern than the top, it can make the bottom appear larger.

Are puddled curtains still in style?

Puddled window treatments are not outdated. They remain a classic look that can be found on floor-length windows in formal dining rooms, libraries, and living rooms.

Pinch pleat drapery is becoming more popular than grommets and wave pleats, with the more adventurous opting for Austrian shades and soft romantic draped shades. These shades bring more drama to the windows and allow them to take center stage in the design of a room.

How do you make curtains look expensive

If you want your curtains to look more expensive, hang them high and wide. Mount your curtain hardware as close to the ceiling as possible for a high-end look. Use statement hardware to complete the look. Weigh them down with a heavy fabric or tie them back with a thick rope or cord. Train them to fall straight and hang evenly.

There is no definitive answer to how long your curtains should be, as it depends on personal preference and the specific style of your room. However, floor-length is generally considered to be the most flattering option, unless there is a radiator or deep sill in the way. Ready-made panels are available in a range of lengths from 63 to 144 inches, so you should be able to find a size that suits your needs. When measuring for curtains, be sure to measure from the floor to where you’ll be hanged the rod, then round up to the nearest inch.

How do you puddle drapes?

If you want to achieve a natural puddled look for your drapes, don’t be afraid to add extra fabric. Simply fold the excess material underneath the bottom of the drape and then poof it out into a cloud-like shape. This will give you the most soft and dreamy look.

There are a few things to keep in mind when hunging your rod. The general rule is to hung it about halfway to two-thirds up the wall, depending on the height of your ceiling. You also want to make sure that the rod is hung level, so use a leveler when hunging it. And finally, keep in mind the type of curtains you will be using. Heavier curtains will require a sturdier rod, so keep that in mind when choosing one.

Can curtains be a foot off the floor

There are a few things to consider when deciding if curtains should touch the floor. The first is practicality-will they get in the way or be a tripping hazard? If you have young children or pets, this may be a concern. The second is style-do you want a formal look or something more casual? And the third is maintenance-are you willing to vacuum or sweep around the drapes to keep them clean?

If you decide that curtains touching the floor is the look you want, there are a few ways to achieve it. You can buy ready-made curtains that are the right length, or have them custom made. Or, if you’re handy with a sewing machine, you can hem them yourself. Just remember to take into account the size of your windows and the fullness of the fabric when selecting or making your drapes.

Drapery is one of the most important aspects of choosing window treatments. The right drapery can make a huge difference in the overall look and feel of a room. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing drapery:

-Width: As a general rule, drapes should be open during the day. Make sure the curtain rod extends at least four inches on each side of the window’s inside frame. To create the illusion of a wider window, extend the rod up to 10 inches beyond the window’s frame.

-Color: Choose a color that compliments the overall palette of the room.

-Pattern: Solid colors tend to be more versatile, but patterns can add interest and texture to a space.

-Material: The type of material you choose will also affect the overall look and feel of the room. Heavier fabrics tend to be more formal, while lighter materials can be more casual.


Curtains should be long enough to puddle on the floor for a dramatic look, or they can be hung just above the floor for a more tailored look.

Puddling is when fabric bunches up and collects around your feet. It can happen when your curtains are too long and they get caught under your shoes as you walk. Curtains should be long enough to just graze the floor so they don’t puddle.

Julia Brooks is an expert in home curtains. She has years of experience in helping people find the right curtains for their homes. She is passionate about helping her clients find the perfect color, pattern, and style that will bring out the best in their living spaces. Julia also enjoys giving interior design advice to help create a beautiful, warm atmosphere in any home.

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